Thursday, September 13, 2012

Choosing Wrong

        My building stands on a corner with a STOP sign . Throughout the day , I will hear and see all sorts of hand gestures , angry outbursts and obscenities from everyday people . People that we see at the corner store , gas station , schools and even at Church . There have been times , when the drivers would get out of their  cars and confront each other  . And it wasn't always , man vs. man , either , or young vs. young .
       One day , Emily and I will see an accident because of that STOP sign . People are so impatient , so rushed , so angry of something so minor . Can you imagine if it was something major ?  Maybe that STOP sign means more than stop your vehicle . Maybe , it should mean stopping and taking stock of ourselves .
     After picking up Emily's glasses , we did some errands . These simple errands , consisting of pumping gas and picking up some cleaning supplies , took us over an hour and a half . On the way home , we hit traffic and a train . Why does it take so long to get where we 're going ? I definitely can understand people's frustrations . I was frustrated myself , especially since having a need to go to the bathroom .
    As I sit beside my window , at my computer and witness these episodes , I wonder if I am like these people . How many times have I beeped my horn out of frustration because they didn't move fast enough for me ? How many times have I become impatient with someone because they made a mistake ? Yes , a mistake . Not too long ago , I had an accident where I blew the red light . I can't even explain why that happened . That was a real mistake . I think I did hear a horn beep then .. . . .
     We know the difference between right and wrong . . . . . yet , we choose wrong most of the time . Why do we do that ? We are aware of the consequences , but honestly , we think that no one will see or know . We can slip right through those small cracks .
      It all goes back to Adam and Eve and that darn apple . They had everything yet they chose wrong . They thought they could slip through the cracks and no one would know . But He knew .
     It 's the same here , at my STOP sign . We yell , we scream , we use hand gestures all because someone is cautious and wants to be safe . We feel like we can do that because what are the chances of us ever seeing that person again . There's a trick that I try to use as a reminder to be on my best behavior . I try to imagine what would
happen if this same person , who is witnessing my bad behavior , walks into Sunday School the following Sunday with their child and sees me . What do you think their opinion of me would be ? As a person  and as a fellow Christian . You think they would feel safe to trust their child to me ? I think not . Or maybe , they would be embarrassed that I witnessed their bad behavior .
     Have a Blessed week everyone and try to be nice to each other . And . . . . . .if  you see ME doing all of the above  , try to pretend I'm not there . HAHAHA, sorry .

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