Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 66 Of Writing: Health And Well-being

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Shall I hold on with both hands
 to every paltry possession? 
All I have teaches me to trust 
the Creator for all I have not seen.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Well, since our little getaway at the end of May, I have placed myself on a strict health and well-being regiment. I am deadly serious about overcoming this bingeing of sweets and junk food.
I will develop willpower if it is the last thing I do.

So far, I have done just that.  People have been offering me some chips or a cookie and I  have turned them down. Yes, I did that. Unhappily, I have to admit, but I have stayed the course. There were even some cookies in the office, but I just walked past them.

Now, Emily and I did go out and have some ice cream at Baskin Robbins, but I did not have any whip cream or extras of any kind. Just plain ice cream. Plus, she did bring me a donut from work as a treat. I'm not gonna lie.

Along with staying away from the junk, I have incorporated some light exercises that I do every morning. Just some basic things we used to do in gym class like knee lifts, jogging in place, the twist and arm twirls to name a few. I have been faithfully do that as well. 

Every Monday afternoon at work, I go weigh myself on our freight scale. I just step onto it and see absolutely no results. None. I feel like I'm thinner, but the scale doesn't lie. Extremely discouraging! Emily thinks I should stay away from the weigh in for at least a month. And that's what I'm going to do. No more weigh ins!

I don't want anyone to think that weight loss is the ultimate goal here. My main objective is to lower my blood sugar levels to a degree that I am not constantly teetering over. Also, there is the benefit of less weight upon my joints. When I went through radiation, I lost about 23 pounds. I really liked myself at that weight and that is my goal . I will be happy at that. 

I do have a Ct. Scan coming up in a month or two. Have to check the calendar. Also, will need another mammogram and a checkup at my GP. I'm not really looking forward to that visit, because I don't care for the GP I have. It's not like she is horrible, but I feel as if she should be the one sending me for certain tests and not for me to be suggesting it to her. This is my second GP. 

That seems to be it for now. I'm sure I missed something, but we can always cover it another time.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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