Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 72 Of Writing: Living The Joy

                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

In the heart's depths a peace serene and holy
Abides, and when pain seems to have its will,
Or we despair,--oh, may that peace rise slowly,
Stronger than agony, and we be still.

Everyone is looking for joy, but finding it can be a bit difficult. I guess the question becomes what is the joy you are searching for? We all have different levels of joy. Some of us are perfectly happy with small bits of joy here and there throughout the day. Others are searching for the perfect Joy that can be found in contentment. Which joy is yours?

During my journey with ovarian cancer, I have discovered just how fleeting joy can be. I have stopped seeking contentment, because that is something only a few of us will be able to achieve. Besides, my time here is way too short and I intend on spending it living the joy rather then searching for it.

What? You heard me. Living the joy. There is joy everywhere if one just looks. Ask yourself if you are first willing to see it. Many people only see the negative in all things around them.  That's why contentment can never work for me. That would mean that I am "content" all the time. That's just not true. I see joy in enjoying a good cup of coffee in the morning. An hour later, my day may shift into stress mode. It may carry that way for the remainder of the day. I may find joy later in the evening by sitting in my favorite chair, sipping an aromatic glass of wine.

Joy comes and goes. Enjoy it while it is here, because one can never know when it will disappear. Only the memory will linger. So let me ask you once again, which joy are you searching for?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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