Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Day 58 Of Writing: An Ordinary Day

                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                   everyday is a journey.

Now, Lord, what wait I for?
    On Thee alone
  My hope is all rested,--
    Lord, seal me Thine own!
  Only Thine own to be,
  Only to live to Thee.
        Thine, with each day begun,
        Thine, with each set of sun,
        Thine, till my work is done.

It was a quiet day, nothing out of the ordinary happened. A perfect day to rest and nurse this head cold. What did Emily call it? Oh yes, a sinus cold. Outside, the sky opened up several times with thunder and lightening. The rain pouring in hard and angry drops on and off throughout the day. 

Sometimes, we need days like these where absolutely nothing monumental happens. We get up, go to Church or sleep in and wear our pajamas all day. It's like being in the room with a loved one and no one saying a word. Everyone perfectly content within their own thoughts. You love each other that much that words are not necessary. 

It's amazing how much a person can accomplish in total silence. It's so beneficial for our mind to experience total peace. We all have a hankering for a nurture moment. We want to hold onto things that are so dear to our well being. I am sure that all of us aim to have that peaceful and loving day. That's how we all start our day. . . our journey. Is that how we end the day? 

Unfortunately, no. Majority of us, me included, leave the workplace a total emotional mess. I am trying a little experiment. Everyone I encounter for the remainder of the week, a difficult person, I would pray for them instead. Let's see how it goes. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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