Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day 65 Of Writing: A Chance Meeting

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

The paternal relation to man was the
 basis of that religion which appealed
 directly to the heart; 
so the fraternity of each man with his 
fellow was its practical application.
—Bayard Taylor.

We both opened our doors at the same time. A  look of surprise and then just as suddenly a huge smile appeared on both our faces.

Hello Allison. You're looking lovely.

Her hair back, flaunting a short bob, her complexion glowing. Her face, perhaps a bit fuller than before, but that's the steroids for you. She certainly looked lovely and healthy. She thanked me for the little baskets of love we showered her way. The blanket. The ginger teas. All greatly appreciated.

We walked out together to our cars and we chatted for awhile like good friends. It really made me feel good inside. She told me about her treatment, the future and her family. All of which shall stay between us, because she is a private person.

I'm so glad we were able to have this chat. I needed to hear from her that it made a bit of difference in her life. That it added to her comfort and she felt the love. That's all I want is to bring comfort to others.

This is a perfect example of not giving up even if things look bleak. Just keep giving, knocking and loving. They feel it even if they have no idea how to show it. When we are in need, we have to feel that we are loved, that someone cares what happens to us. Keep extending that hand, you never know when someone will take it!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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