Sunday, June 9, 2019

Day 61 Of Writing: A Dark World

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I'd like a way
To change the clouds that bring us sorrow,
And build to-day a bright to-morrow;
To banish cares that tarry long,
And have the days like the blue-bird's song—
I'd like a way.
I'll find a way—
I'll set sail when the breeze is high,
And calmly drift when pleasure's nigh;
I'll steer a course afar from tears,
And take in joy the coming years—
I'll find a way.
I've lost the way!
Out through the gloom a beam of light
Looks like a purpose looming bright!
Up with the sail! I'll out to sea
And bring that purpose back with me,
Or go its way.
—M. B. S.

It's a dark world out there. One only has to click on the news to discover robberies, murders and injustices done to people everywhere. Has it gotten worse or have I just become aware of what has been there all along?

Having just visited my baby brother at home while he is recovering from a quadruple bypass, I am so alerted to people's pain. There are people going through trials somewhere out there all the time. If it isn't your neighbor than it's your co-worker. People's faith is tested on a regular basis. The problem is that we only notice that pain in people we care and love. We don't see the others.

Why is that? Jesus felt and seen everyone's pain, why can't we be more like Him? I don't believe it is the "I don't want to get involved" syndrome at all. I think it's the "I don't want to feel" their pain. It hurts a lot more when you feel the suffering of others. Then we would actually do something.

It doesn't cost much to bring someone a casserole when they are hurting or maybe a magazine while they're in the hospital. Heck, just picking up the phone and asking "How are you" says a lot to someone who feels alone. Trials and tribulations have a way of making us feel isolated from the Body of Christ. Who is that Body? We are!

Whenever I make a blanket or bring some groceries to someone, they seem so surprised in the act alone. Do we as people not care about serving the world? Did Jesus not say:

Matthew 25:35-40 

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Is there someone out there right now, who could use an act of kindness? Reach out to them and be the Body of Christ to them.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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