Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 71 Of Writing: My New Motto

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

To be continually advancing in the
 paths of knowledge is one of the
 most pleasing satisfactions of the
 human mind. 
These are pleasures perfect 
consistent with every degree
 of advanced years.

When it rains , it truly pours. That's the old saying, but it's also very true. Do you know what keeps me going in times of despair? During stressful moments of my life when I feel fearful of the unknown future? When my worry levels have reached so high I am afraid I will bust?

No matter how overwhelming your problems, you need have no fear. God will strengthen and help you. He will hold you up and make you adequate for any situation.

I read that in a small pamphlet I have found among my old Guidepost magazines. It had to do with encouragement titled Uplifting Spirits by Norman Vincent Peale. It just spoke to me, because I am known for stressing out and freaking out. Not to mention, a regular worrywart.

I often wonder if I ever will get to that safe place where I am unaffected by things I obviously cannot control. Yet, we stress. We fret. We toss and turn at night worrying at how it will all turn out. Change is so hard and changing habits is even more difficult.

No matter how overwhelming your problems, you need have no fear. God will strengthen and help you. He will hold you up and make you adequate for any situation.

Let that be my motto in life. I copied that saying and posted it throughout my surroundings. One at work by my computer. One at my desk at home. One even in my car. Let it be my constant reminder. Keep repeating until it actually sticks. God is my sanctuary and He controls every situation in life.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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