Saturday, June 1, 2019

Day 56 Of Writing: The Cold

                                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, 
                                                                      everyday is a journey

Never delay
  To do the duty which the hour brings,
  Whether it be in great or smaller things;
      For who doth know
  What he shall do the coming day?

I'm not sure when it happened. It started out as just an allergy or so I thought. Somehow by the end of yesterday, I thought I just might have a slight cold instead. When I woke up this morning, there was no mistaking I was truly sick with a head cold. There is nothing worse than having to go into work all congested, sneezing and medicated. Your head is pounding and yet we have a long day ahead. That's when nothing works and everyone seems to be behaving in a difficult way. The day just drags on and on.

As the day ended, I dreamed of my warm and comfy bed. I couldn't wait to rest my weary head upon that pillow. Oh Lord, how we ache for the simple things in life. When it comes down to it, that's all that matters to us. Pure, simple joys.

I don't know how many of these kind of days I've had in my life. A lot to be sure. On those days, I'm usually the last one leaving the facility, limping or dragging my feet through the work hallways. Why do they seem so long? Like they go on forever? Each step treads heavy with tired feet.

I pull up in front of my building, staring at the flight of stairs waiting for me to climb. I could sit here in the car all night long. Have you ever felt so tired that you couldn't even get out of your car?

There is only one thing I have planned for this weekend and that's bed. With some medicine. A nice cup of tea with lemon. Some Netflix and some ZZZZZZZ's. Maybe some crocheting, too.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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