Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day 55 Of Writing: A Few Updates

                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late;
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers
And the temples of his gods.
—Thomas B. Macaulay.

This month of May certainly has been interesting. I ran into Allison the other day. I guess, running into isn't quite the word to use. She scurries away pretty quick whenever people from the building come out. I did notice her hair is growing back which is a sign she is done with her treatment or at least, chemo. She used to have a strawberry colored hair and now it's more like dirty blond. Ones hair does come back a bit lighter or darker than before. 

We have seen our landlord more these past two weeks than we have in one year! It seems the apartment below ours is claiming her bathroom ceiling is leaking! Obviously, our toilet must be the culprit. He has been here tightening, repairing, buying a new ring etc. all to no avail. She is still unsatisfied, claiming the leak is still there. I don't know what to think, because she is one of those neighbors that always has a problem and complains about everyone. He was here again this morning and he did not look happy.

My work has been slow once more. It seems there are spurts where we are busy as heck, working 10 hour days and then it drops to almost nothing. It is a difficult time of change for my company. Where will all of this lead to we have no idea.

As to my health, I began exercising every morning. Nothing grand except some basic stretches and calisthenics. I did exercise a bit more when we were on vacation using the hotel's gym. So far, I have been very good, not cheating with any sweets or junk. I always start out well, but somewhere along the way, I fail. Maybe, just maybe, I can make this stick. 

My brother is home now and I am sure there will be many changes /adjustments needed. For now, he can only do one day at a time. In a way, he is beginning his own journey. I hope it leads him where he needs to be. 

I am loving the weather. That probably shocks all of you since it has been raining nonstop every day. For the first time in years, I feel that all the Seasons are experiencing the real weather associated with them. I love the four Seasons. I want Winter to be a real Winter and Spring to be a real Spring. We have been so spoiled with this tepid kind of weather these past few years. I am very happy to see it going back to what is considered normal. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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