Friday, September 2, 2016

The Ministry

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

O God, what offering shall I give
    To Thee, the Lord of earth and skies?
  My spirit, soul, and flesh receive,
    A holy, living sacrifice.
My Crocheting Ministry has celebrated three years this past August. We, as a Ministry, have come a long way. During that time, we have ranged from 25 women and children to under just 10 total. The funny thing is that we produce the same now (maybe even more) as ten as when we had twenty-five. Strange, right?

The truth is, the twenty-five were students who wanted to learn. The ten are the die-hard ladies who crochet in their sleep. So yes, there is more production with the less than there was with the more. 

There were two moments in my life these past three years where I doubted my abilities as a leader, especially of this Ministry. The first when the Church ladies left me and the second during my recovery. The first was the hardest and I almost packed it in. I thought I failed as a leader, why else would they leave? I never thought that women who claimed to be Christian would behave in this matter. They were more interested in their little clique than in any Ministry work I was offering.

The latter one made me question where we were going as a Ministry.  Is my Ministry transforming lives? Has it's existence made any difference? Since we do not get to see the reward of our work, it's very easy to begin doubting oneself. How can we improve? What needs to change? What needs to stay? Are we staying on course or have we veered off?

As you can see, I'm looking at all areas of my life. This dissatisfaction has crept in everywhere and maybe my life needs an overhaul cleanup. Either way, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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