Sunday, September 25, 2016

Another Step Done

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Going off to college.
Definition: In our household, we use this as a  nicer way of saying something or someone has died. 

As reported back in July, our red Durango has gone off to college. After much thought and consideration, we have decided to finally send it off and look for a newer model. So we have bought a new car. Well, it's not exactly new, but a 2010 Chevrolet. I have never had a six year old car or let alone one with only 73000 miles on it. For me, this is a luxury vehicle! 

The decision came about really in regards to our new "bold steps" attitude. I am a safe person and everything I do reflects it. I don't make sudden and impulsive decisions. I overthink things to death. There are no risky ventures in my life. I would never drop everything, pile into my car and drive off to a new life without a job or place of residence already set. I know many people who have done that and have been extremely happy with their decision. Not me. I'm too scared. I need plans and organization. 

Well, I believe I've become too rigid in my ways. I feel like God is waiting on me to make more bold steps in my life and truly begin to TRUST Him in all I do. Quite a tall order, I tell you. In fact, this entire year has had that very same theme. . . trusting God. So we went and bought a car. Of course, I'm such a sissy that I needed to have Joey come and do all the sales part of it for me. Thank goodness for adult children!

The best part of this? That a bold step has been taken! I had another monumental step this week . . . the end of my radiation treatment. This may mean nothing to any of you, but Emily and I have made a list of what we wanted to accomplish by the end of this year. A list of bold steps. These two have been checked off and now for the next one. 

Fear can paralyze us, preventing our growth. We no longer want that to happen here. Change after change has occurred to us this year and will continue to do so. How we handle this change will depend on how bold we truly are. Remember the going off to college part? Well, we had another departure. Earlier in the week I received the following text from Emily.

Today is a very sad, sad day at the L.E.D. (lottie, emily, diamond)
family. Our very loyal and long time friend Mr. Can Opener has went to college. He will be very missed. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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