Saturday, September 17, 2016

Resignation Part 1

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                       everyday is a journey.

  1. 2.
    the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable.
    "a shrug of resignation"

    The other day, I woke up much later than usual so I had to rush getting ready for my radiation. Being a bit late, I weighed my options on what was the best way to get there. I already knew that two of the streets I've been using have been backed up with traffic and construction. I chose to go a totally different way than I normally take. In fact, I have never gone this way before to the hospital. 

    Well, it proved to be even worse than the other two. We were barely moving at all, one whole side completely blocked off for several blocks. There was only one thing  to do, detour city!

    Somehow, in the midst of my detouring, I found myself in an area I wasn't too familiar with. Glancing around my surroundings proved my worst fear. I was on the verge of downtown Chicago on Clark street! How I veered off my course so much I had no idea! I mean, it's completely on the other side of where I was trying to go. 

    I didn't panic, but I did feel frustration. No matter where I turned, I came across more construction or a School zone or cyclists or one way streets. Finally, I came across a street I recognized and immediately knew where I was and where I should go. The problem was that if I went straight ahead, there was more construction. If I went right, more construction. If I went left, you guessed it, construction. Which road would be faster?

    I decided on the left since it would place me as close to my home as possible. You see, by the time all this happened, I was already past my appointment time and knew I would be extremely late. I called the office informing them of the cancellation and decided to head home. I didn't get very far on this street either, a mere two blocks. Another blocked road and the only way to go is heading right back to where I came from. 

    At that point, filled with total frustration, I wanted to cry. Have you ever experienced a moment where you wanted to sob uncontrollably and no tears would come? That's how I felt at that point. I started calling out to God.

    Where should I go, Lord? Where am I supposed to go? What road am I to take? I don't know what to do! Tell me what to do! What am I not seeing here?

    To be continued.

    Have a blessed day everyone.

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