Thursday, February 4, 2016

Throwback Thursday

                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.


Fatigue and chemo go hand in hand.  I don't know of any treatment that doesn't exhaust us physically draining all energy. I have to constantly push myself  to get out of bed or to go out to social gatherings. All I want to do is rest. That's all good and dandy, but I cannot spend my life in bed. I get my full 6-8 hours of sleep every night and if I have to take a nap here and there, I do. I just don't stay there.

Schedules come and go. I've become a professional in that department. I'm constantly on the look out for that perfect and organized chart that will fill my every need. Even now, I'm on a new schedule. 

This week, we are awaiting the decision from work on who will be moving to first shift. When I re-read the following post, I smiled because  didn't we do this two years ago? Here we are again.

Life's Changes

I've been feeling tired lately, none of it making much sense since I'm taking a sabbatical from my chemo treatment. Shouldn't I be feeling the opposite? Everyone's first instincts would be that I need more rest and I probably do, but I believe it's my schedule.

I think that as we experience different stages in our life, we create a schedule that best accommodates our lifestyle. That schedule may work for us for a few months or even years. For me, the schedule I have been living for the past six years is not working any longer. 

I have been working second and third shift for 18 years now and it has been a perfect setting for any  personal activities that I've been involved in during that time. Now I find myself scrambling from one activity to the next, barely finding the time to do it all. Time is very precious to me and I just don't have enough of it. 

 An opportunity has risen for me to go to first shift and I cannot wait for this change to happen. I may be losing the 10 % differential, but I will be gaining so much more in precious time and in precious sleep. 

Over the last couple of years, I have made many schedules and wrote about them here on this blog. They may have worked like a charm in the beginning, but as time went on, they were difficult to maintain. The results usually showed days of missing blogs, a messy apartment, missing appointments and playing catch up. 

Sometimes, we need to make necessary life changes so we can serve the people in our life better. I am no good to anyone if I'm too tired to be the best I can be and that means I may have to say no at times. 

The problem here may be in the form of having to wait for these changes to be implemented. Since I am the Area Lead at work, I may be the last person to actually go to my appointed shift. That would mean waiting until next May and that would not be cool at all. 

Until then  my friends, I am tired and it's beginning to show. Have a Blessed day everyone.

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