Friday, February 19, 2016

Through The Ages

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It's funny how I can spot an incident waiting to happen before it happens. Why couldn't I do that when I was young? Did I need to learn a little? Love a little? Go through a little?

 It's especially difficult when it pertains to a young man or woman. You can see that pitfall, that trap ready to ensnare them and still they don't listen. They plunge head on into disaster.  

I was exactly the same way. My mom would give me advice and I never listened to her. Why not? Why didn't I listen? Because I viewed advice from older people as outdated, out of style and things were different than in their time. They just wouldn't understand these new and modern era. 

Unfortunately, there wasn't anything new or modern. It was the same old disaster just dressed up in modern clothes. If you read the Bible, you can see the same mistakes being done now that happened in Adam and Eve's time. Continue page after page, generation after generation and you can spot the similarities. The only thing that changes are the names and the year.

I guess that none of us want to be told what to do or how to behave. We all seem to want to learn the hard way.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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