Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Silent Type

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

God keep us through the common days,The level stretches white with dust,When thought is tired, and hands upraiseTheir burdens feebly since they must;In days of slowly fretting careThen most we need the strength of prayer.
Three Coach Buses lined the street at Joliet Amtrak Station. One was an Express to St. Louis; the second going only to Dwight, Lincoln and Normal; and the third made all the stops. Of course, we had to go on Bus 3. 
Heads hung low, shoulders drooped, stomachs grumbling and with a heavy step we boarded, tired and pretty fed up with everything. It was very quiet on that bus as everyone was able to finally recharge their phones, laptops and Ipads. We settled in thinking it was almost over. 
An hour later, the bus pulls over to the side and the driver walks around the back end. We thought we had a flat tire. He circles around one more time, gets back on and we proceed on. Not more than 30 minutes later, he does it again. This time he ended up calling his superiors. When we finally pulled away, I swear  the entire back end vibrated. Before we reached Springfield, we have stopped a total of four times. There was definitely something wrong with this bus.
 Again silence. He does not inform us of what is going on nor does he throughout the rest of the trip. When he makes his stops, he doesn't announce where we are. This guy had communication problems or maybe this was his first time. I'm not sure, but he wasn't a professional. It was like pulling teeth to get something out of him. 
We almost lost it on that bus ride. Up to this point we have been good, understanding that this is out of our control, let's be patient. When we saw him (the driver) stop at a gas station to get a pop, I've had enough. I'm sorry, but we have been up since 6 a.m. and at this point it was almost 7p.m. at night. All we wanted was to finally get there, have something to eat and go to bed!
Believe me, the meal we shared that night when we finally arrived was the best tasting ever. It was well after 9 p.m. when we walked into our Hotel, but oh did I sleep great! Not Emily, she kept waking me up, because my snoring was keeping her awake. Hey, what can I say?
To be continued . . . .
Have a Blessed day everyone.  

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