Sunday, February 14, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #6

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I began the week with a weigh in and great intentions to sticking with a work out routine. I said I began, but sadly only lasted one whole day. In my defense, I can honestly say that for at least two days I was very busy in the morning with appointments. Once we stop, it's difficult to get back on track. Talk about feeling disgusted with myself and my lack of endurance. My week continued with the same tempo as above as fatigue overtook me and I did less and less each day. It really wasn't a great week for me at all. 

My Saturday was spent with Ministry work and my ladies. Sunday was Church  and a few errands afterwards. Now I'm sitting here wondering where my three day weekend has gone?   One more day left and I already knew it would be over before I blinked. A friend was coming over for coffee in the morning, laundry had to be done and ministry items to be packed up for delivery. I haven't even opened up my blog in four days. 

This may sound crazy to you, but it's times like these where I almost long for my chemo infusions. At least then, I could spend some time sitting still. That's something we in this society have no idea how to do any longer. . . . being still. 

So these past week didn't turn out the way I may have wanted, but it wasn't a total wash. I did win the Valentine Quiz at work ( a box of chocolates, beanie baby in a cup). Personal goals 0, but priorities won the week. All in all, a pretty a-okay highlight of the week. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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