Monday, February 8, 2016

Becoming More

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

As I prepared for the next online Bible study, I found myself excited to see what it would be all about. This one also provided joining a discussion group online. It must be pretty popular since I'm on a waiting list for that group. Somehow, it seemed there would be more work in this one than the last. 

I am concerned about the discussion part since I will be at work when it will be going on. By the time I can participate, everyone should be sleeping. Still, that will not deter me from joining. 

As the first week unfolded, I wasn't disappointed. I love a good study with homework and this one has just that. Of course, the first couple of days, everyone participated in the discussion. By the end of the week, it was just a few of us. This is very typical in all groups. 

I've been in many women groups and they all end like this. In the beginning, a crowd happens, but as the weeks advance they quickly disperse. The same thing is occurring here. I find myself take part in the discussion even more than I intended just so our leader doesn't feel bad or inadequate. 

We're about halfway through and already I find myself behind, but this has always been  my problem. I take on too much, thinking I can do it all. We all think that, don't we? Besides all that, I'm experiencing some problems with my blog site. Haven't really gotten down to the problem at hand, but then time is not on my side lately. 

This Bible study involves us not becoming overly critical of ourselves and our lack of time to be more involved with Christ. Kinda of appropriate, don't you think?

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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