Thursday, February 11, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

My feelings toward clutter haven't changed, which is funny, because my bedroom needs constant de-cluttering. My poor room has a multi-purpose serving as an office, gym, yarn storage and finally as a bedroom. I keep wondering how in the world I will be able to live in a Tiny House with this horrible habit of mine.

As I re-read the post below from 2013, I realized that every time I am down in the dumps, I clean. I want to re-arrange or organize my messy spaces. Not just any kind of cleaning, but deep in the corners and into the crevices type. That says a lot about who I am. 

I'm never quite content in sweeping everything under the rug. One can only do that for awhile. Pretty soon, you have to clean under that rug and if you wait too long it can turn into a mountain of a problem. 

That seems to be a problem even at work. Many businesses just want to fix things with a band-aid solution instead of having major surgery. I think that's why work is such a struggle for me these past few years. Nothing really gets solved, just postponed on a shelf somewhere.

Living Among The Clutter
There is nothing more that I detest than clutter. Right now, it seems I'm living in the midst of it, feeling suffocated. I'm constantly tripping over things or moving things from one corner to the next. 

 Right above and below us lives a family of four and somehow they fit all of their things without the clutter feeling. There is only the two of us, why can't we do the same?

We have too much stuff! Storage around here is certainly a problem. Some of these things we have held on to for years (like VHS tapes) hoping it will come back into style?! 

I know myself very well  and I know this stifling and suffocating feeling I have been experiencing has nothing to do with my apartment as much as my life. For whatever reason I'm carrying these feelings around, it's time to do something about them, even if that means a cleaning overhaul. 

So I'm planning a remodel. Furniture will be moved. Things will be discarded. New things might even take their place. Cupboards will be cleaned out and the cabinets polished, but the real work needs to take place on the inside.

 I am the clutter-er and I can  keep doing the above mentioned over and over again, but it just keeps going back to the same thing. It's not the apartment or lack of storage, it's the person creating the clutter. So let's clean out those cobwebs and see what we will find.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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