Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Doctor's Visit

                                        Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It is in vain that you rise up early
            and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
            for he gives to his beloved sleep.
Psalm 127:2

At my last oncologist visit everything went quite well. Or at least until the dialogue turned towards my primary doctor. You see, I haven't been to one in three years. I know, I know, but sometimes my life seems like a perpetual flow of medical appointments. It becomes tiring with nothing but tests. 

With a heavy heart, I headed home, debating if I should go to the same one I went to before or not. I didn't care for her at all. I thought she was very rude as she examined every single pore of my body. Sadly, she wasn't impressed with any of it, especially my weight. 

My weight. Do you think that I'm happy with it? How many blog posts have I written in regards to weight? It seems that the last nine years have been devoted to it. I sat there in her office as she questioned me on what I eat blah blah blah. That really ticked me off was when she didn't believe me when I said I don't drink pop. 

" Ms. Krol, we can't have donuts for breakfast and think we will be able to lose weight. I want you to keep a food diary listing everything you eat and bring it with you the next visit."

I never went back. She should be lucky I didn't take off my Christian hat  and tackle her. She sat there, skinny little thing except for her belly. I thought she was five months pregnant, but no she wasn't. Yet, she will make comments about my weight? Worry about yourself first. 

So I'm at a loss as to what to do right now. I could change her, but first I would have to go to my insurance site and then cancel her. Then choose someone else, wait a month for their approval to be on that doctor's list blah blah blah. Why is everything such a struggle? Red tape? Hassle? 

I already know how it will go. She will refer me to my thyroid doctor and a foot doctor for my knee. I will be sent for lab work and she will place me on a diet, probably sending me to a nutritionist. Plus, let's not forget that famous test that all over fifty go through. Yummy! The foot doctor will send me to a physical therapist and the thyroid doctor for even more lab work. And then we have my oncologist visits and tests. I might as well as move into the hospital. My dentist still wants to see me even though she cannot do anything, because of the chemo ingredient in the hormone treatment I'm on.

I still don't understand what a General Practitioner does except make one feel inadequate and horrible. I know, I know. It must be done. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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