Saturday, February 27, 2016

February Leap

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Happy Leap Year everyone! One extra day this year and I bet it has caused havoc to most people. So far, February has been bittersweet to say the least. Even though it is only about two days shorter than the other months, it seems to fly by. Thank goodness for that, because it caused a bit of a stir for us. 

I have expressed numerous times my goal for the year of trusting and following God's path for us. I would not fight nor argue with God, but accept His will. Whenever we say that to God, He will definitely put us to a test. This month we had many of such small, yet irritating mishaps, but we have survived them all. 

The best part of February? Well, our trip to Springfield to spend  with the little ones who aren't so little anymore. Maybe because we live so far apart from each other, but each trip involves bonding. Would we be the same if we lived so close by? Maybe, maybe not. 

The most irritating?  Definitely the five hours on the train after the crash. It was a very, very long day. It did end well, though.

The most surprising? My energy levels suddenly got a boost and I rarely felt sluggish, especially the last two weeks of the month. I think it has to do with the added sunshine and the arrival of Spring knocking at our back door. 

The worst? That one had to be the flat tire and my feelings of being all alone in taking care of it. I don't miss not having a husband, but at moments like these, I wish I had someone to rely on. It's just Jesus and I, all the way.

Lesson learned? I really need to learn not to be so trusting, especially when it comes to friendships. What I consider a friendship to mean to me, seems to be completely different from someone else view. I am learning that the hard way. 

The one thing I wish I knew how to do? I wish I had technical capabilities! This month my blog suffered and I have no idea on how to fix it. I wrote many posts that never gotten published all because the final piece would not post or had blank spaces where words should be. Why? How? Who knows? Where have all my subscribers gone? Blank. How do I get that back up? I dunno know. Shrug and hands up in the air. I give up.

February coming to an end signifies that Winter is on it's way out and Spring is marching in!

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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