Thursday, February 18, 2016

Highlight Of The Week #7

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

It has been a very active week for us here on the avenue. Since we have just gotten past Valentine's Day, we have been certainly blessed with flowers, cake, chocolate covered strawberries, 2 heart shaped boxes of chocolates and a beanie baby inside a cup. We have been chowing down on chocolate and then more chocolate. There goes the diet!

Majority of our time this week has been spent preparing for our trip to Springfield to celebrate my granddaughter's 10th birthday. Really looking forward to it and more on that later. 

I did have a meltdown at the gas station by the air pump. One of my tires regularly needs air. For some reason (maybe the coldness) I could not unscrew the cap. I have done this a  million times in my driving career. I just could not unscrew that darn cap! The air was on as I struggled to release that cap. Of course, not a single soul was around for me to scream HELP! The air went off and  I was out of quarters. I have been trying desperately to unscrew that darn cap every single day. Lord, help me! 

Finally, a friend at work loosened it for me. . . .maybe too much. After work, I went  straight to the gas station to fill up that tire. Glancing down, I see that my tire is pretty darn low. I pump in a round of air . . .nothing. I pump in another round and it actually looks like its even lower. I panic because pretty soon it will turn into a complete flat tire. Again, I try calling everyone, but they're all asleep. All my work life, I've worked these ungodly hours. Who could possibly be awake at this hour?

I started praying, crying inside. All of a sudden, I got this idea to buy a couple of cans of fix a flat and see what happens. After two cans and another round of air, I was ready to go, arriving home finally after midnight. It's always been just Jesus and I!

I was so wind up from all that excitement that I stayed awake until 04:30 a.m. I was upset to say the least. All this planning. All this preparation. Then this happens. Not a very good start to our trip. I certainly hope that everything goes well. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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