Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 27 Of Writing

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

When you get into a tight place, 
and everything goes against you 
till it seems as if you couldn't hold
 on a minute longer, 
never give up then, 
for that's just the time and
 place that the tide will turn. 
--Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The hardest thing in the world is to remain calm when inside we are raging. We want to lash out, speak out and definitely act out. Yet, we can't. We have to remember who we are in Christ and leave things up to Him. That's very difficult to do, especially when our loved ones get hurt. Our first instinct always is to protect the people in our life. 

I have learned to truly pick the battles I may want to fight. We cannot fight all of them, therefore be selective in what is really important to you or what you are passionate about in your heart. When I was young, I fought it all. There was a lot of fire within me and I was ready to fight especially for the underdog. Needless to say, my mouth has gotten me into loads of trouble. You see, you can't win every battle. Sometimes, you will be the one who loses.

This is particularly difficult for me at work. Why are there so many bullies? I also wonder why people allow others to walk all over them. They never stand up for themselves and it can be very tiring to be their avenger. Unfairness is all around us and it's difficult to watch, especially when we feel so powerless. Not everything in life is cut and dry. I have learned when it comes to work, as long as people come to work everyday, many things are overlooked. 

The same can be said of the world that we shop in or drive in. Everyone seems so easily upset or offended. It truly has become the era of feelings. It's not whether we meant to hurt someone's feelings, it's how they interpreted the actions. That seems to be the rule of the day, of the decade. I cannot tell you how many times I've been in a situation where someone has been offended at the easiest thing. At times, I'm totally baffled at what I seemed to have done. Yet, they are totally distraught.

I have to control my emotions, why can't they do the same? We have become a society that is so into themselves. When I went through the Book Of Revelations, it was hard to think that people would cheer on public displays of abuse. Yet, in this world that we daily read about or see that sort of thing happening. So yes, it definitely could and would! 

That is why we have to be very careful we don't fall into that anger trap where we lose total control of who we are. Anger  does that very well. We have to remember to chew the meat and spit out the bones when it comes to the everyday life. If not, we could easily become part of the world. The scene. The everyday norm of what is going on around us. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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