Thursday, May 2, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 28 Of Writing

                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Hold in thy murmurs, heaven arraigning!
The patient see God's loving face;
Who bear their burdens uncomplaining,
'Tis they that win the Father's grace.

I think that I have finally found the perfect sleeping time for me. I have been sleeping so well these past few weeks. It seems that as long as I go to bed around my magical time frame, I will get my rest. That time is 3 a.m.! I know, I know. Most likely you guys are like what? Well, hold on a minute.

First, remember that I come home around 11 p.m. if I am working my regular shift. If I stay and work the ten hour shift, I am not home until 1 a.m. Normally, I give Emily a ride to work around 2:30 a.m. and finally am able to go to bed by 3 in the morning. The great thing here is that I sleep for an uninterrupted 6 hours! Beautiful. 

You see, my legs begin to swell in the early hours of the night. That's when I toss and turn, when I keep getting up to go to the bathroom. By the time 3 or 4 a.m. comes, I'm good to go. I think the barometric pressure is lower at that time. My GP claims that our legs/joints swell due to how high the air pressure becomes. The higher it goes, the more they swell. That's why it doesn't matter if it's cold or hot outside. It's about the pressure.

I cannot tell you how much better I feel with a good night's sleep. Sleep in general is huge to our health and well-being. I've recently did some research for my Chronic Illness Group on sleep itself. There are side effects to everything, including sleep. Lack of sleep can affect your depression, head injury, schizophrenia, alzheimer's disease. According to some research studies, sleep deprivation can include all kinds of risks. There's heart disease, strokes, even cancer.

I often think about all the years I have abused my body when younger. We all have abused our bodies. If I only knew, right?
At least, I am learning now and putting it all into action. We can improve our health and life as we go. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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