Monday, May 27, 2019

Day 52 Of Writing: How's It Going?

                                              Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh for a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!

So how am I doing with this writing challenge for 100 days? Well, I think I started out pretty okay. It was very hard at first to write since my writing has gone to the wayside. As I continued writing, I feel it became easier with each publication. I didn't have a problem until this week. 

You see, we went away for a small getaway. I wish I had the technology available where I can post my blogs from anywhere anytime, but I don't. Even though, I had written the stories ahead of time so all I had to do was post them, I was unable to do so. So now it looks as if I didn't do a post a day, therefore, breaking the challenge.

You know, we do what we are capable of and what is financially available to us. As we begin, we may not have all the necessary items to do quality type of work. I have a very cheap phone and plan. Until the goal of being financially free is accomplished, that will not change. I basically depend a lot on free wifi that is provided by the places we stay in. When we went to Arizona last Fall, I truly had so many plans to do YouTube and write while there. I was very limited due to no wifi available. 

I would love to take this blog to another level if for no other reason than to challenge myself. For someone like me, who began this blog with absolutely no experience, improvement and challenging myself just to see what I can do is vital to me. I would love to call myself a writer, but right now I'm just a blogger. Someone corrected me in that fashion reminding me of that fact.

So am I done with the challenge? Absolutely not! I'm continuing on as if nothing happened.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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