Sunday, May 26, 2019

Day 50 Of Writing: It's A Celebration

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey

No sinful word, nor deed of wrong,
Nor thoughts that idly rove;
But simple truth be on our tongue,
And in our hearts be love.

Today marks my twelfth year since being diagnosed with cancer. It was on this day, that my whole life changed and for the better. I was at that time 42 years old and I didn't think I would ever see the age of fifty! I did end up reaching that milestone a few years ago. Today, I reached another.

Back in 2007, I wanted desperately to meet other women with ovarian cancer. I couldn't find any and in fact, it's hard to find them even now. Our survival rate is quite slim. For a period of two weeks, I searched online for ovarian survivors, finally finding some in a chat room that I can't remember. I wish I did, because I would love to see where some of those ladies are right now. 

One thing I can tell you is that this monster called cancer has no preferences whatsoever. It attacks women of all ages, all ethnicity and social backgrounds. Cancer is an equal opportunity disease. 

As I searched and read all the stories there, I was really looking for someone who has lived a very long time with ovarian. At that time, I found a lady who has had cancer for twelve years and had four bouts with it. Hello. That's me right now. 

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