Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 32 Of Writing

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I love to think that God appoints
My portion day by day;
Events of life are in His hand,
And I would only say,
Appoint them in Thine own good time,
And in Thine own best way.

I have written many times on the importance of preventive care when one has a chronic illness such as cancer. Honestly, I am falling into the usual trap of people who have been in remission for a bit. I don't wanna go. I want to cancel appointments and not go. It's a trap, you know. 

I have found that the longer we stay in remission, the more complacent we become. For instance, I have a short RN visit at the clinic due sometime next week to have my port flushed. The hospital clinic is a good hour drive on the side streets or 30 minutes on the expressway, depending on the traffic. To me, I'm already dreading having to get up and drive the distance for what will probably be a ten to fifteen minute process. It will take me longer to park, get out and walk.  Let's not forget the parking ticket. I'm already coming up with multiple reasons as to not going. You see what I mean?

This type of laziness can only result in bad tidings. Here I am constantly preaching the importance of preventive care and I don't want to follow this simple rule of good health maintenance. I cannot stress how key early detection can be in a cancer diagnosis or recurrence. I know all this and yet, I cannot help, but be lazy about it.

So why do I think that happens to us? My personal opinion is that we are tired of seeing doctors, having tests done, being probed and poked at. We just want to live a normal life like everyone else. Sigh, I guess I will have to go and make that journey. Then I will write about it, how's that?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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