Sunday, May 26, 2019

Day 51 Of Writing: We All Fall Down

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Thy thoughts are good, and Thou art kind,
E'en when we think it not;
How many an anxious, faithless mind
Sits grieving o'er its lot,
And frets, and pines by day and night,
As God had lost it out of sight,
And all its wants forgot.

None of us are infallible. We all hurt. We all can be brought to our knees. We all bleed. Every single one of us can in a heartbeat, be struck with an illness. Are you ready? I think not, because none of us ever thinks about the what if moment that could happen to us. 

This has been brought home to me just the other day in two ways. One, my own cancer anniversary. Two, my younger brother's sudden quadruple bypass. 

Who knew, just as everyone was going around their business, one of us would be struck down so quickly. Here we were preparing for our trip, packed and ready to go, as that dreadful phone call came. The words quadruple bypass, 90% blocked became a part of the normal conversation between the family. 

I couldn't help, but think back to 12 years ago to the day, of my own disease. That day, cancer came into our family. That day, we learned what it could do. This week we learned of another killer heart disease. 

We all seem to think we will live forever. We have so many years to go yet, therefore, we don't have to worry about certain matters. How silly we all were to think like that. When an illness strikes, everything comes to the forefront. How will we be able to pay our bills? Can I afford to stay home until I recover? Will I lose my job? What if I die? What will happen to my family if I'm gone?

All very important questions that we never think about until it is too late. I've been there and done that, trust me. I wasn't ready. Not the first time, nor the second time or the third. Nowadays, I think about the what if moment and try to prepare as best as I can. Not just myself, but my family as well. So let me ask you again. Are you ready?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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