Thursday, May 16, 2019

Day 41 Of Writing: Some Days

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Thou Thyself dost still display
Unto the pure in heart,
Oh, make us children of the day
To know Thee as Thou art.
For Thou art light and life and love;
And Thy redeemed below
May see Thee as Thy saints above,
And know Thee as they know.

Some days . . . we just want to lay in bed dreaming of nothing in particular. Listen to the birds chirping and feel the Sun streaming through the window. 

Some days . . . the weather reflects how we feel. It's raining heavily and purifying the land. Purify me, Lord.

Some days . . . we look for silence, opting to be alone. Reflections. Meditations. Bask in the silence, you never know what you will hear. Or whom.

Some days . . . you want to jump for Joy at all the blessings flowing your way. You want everyone to know the goodness that comes from Him.

Some days . . . a hug says more than any smooth yielding tongue. Embrace me in your love, your comforting arms.

Some days . . . all we want is to rest and do nothing, but watch the rain fall. Take a nap and watch some more. 

Some days . . . you fill in your biggest need right now. What is your "some days" right now?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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