Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Next New Thing

                                           Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I cannot do it alone,
The waves run fast and high,
And the fogs close chill around,
And the light goes out in the sky;
But I know that we two
Shall win in the end--God and I.

I have a pet peeve, a REALLY big pet peeve. I cannot stand any advertisement about the incredible new juice or shake or pill that will cure what ails you. Try this drink every morning, noon and night to see the difference at your next doctor visit. People who could not move around suddenly are doing back flips. They all carry the name "new" in them, too. New Life, Pro Life, Nu Shake. Whatever.

Since my cancer, there is always a well meaning person out there that would love to introduce me to that cancer cure of all times. Eating your blueberries and broccoli everyday will prevent the cancer from coming back. The same can be said of beets. Please believe me when I say I am not mocking any of these vegetables. I love veggies! 

Now, I'm falling off track here. My big pet peeve is with these miracle cures of all time. Usually they come in the form of a supplement or a shake. And that's great. There is nothing wrong with taking nutritional vitamins or shakes to help improve our bodies, but we have to remember that they are not the end all solution to the medical problem. We need medical treatment by a qualified medical staff.

I can remember many eons ago, when my mom's friend was diagnosed with cancer. She decided to go the all natural path by drinking these special teas that were to do a miraculous healing. I am being sarcastic, I'm sorry. She decided on this holistic type of treatment and refused chemo/radiation. Her cancer was stage one and treatable. Her odds were great. In reality, because of her choice in going with all natural healing, she lasted only a couple of months. 

Our fight for life is so great within us that we want to believe these ads on television. We want to believe we can be cured without the suffering or the pain of chemo. We want to believe that all we have to do is drink a shake or take a pill and it will be alright. I wish it were that simple. 

Please go see your doctor. Go get that MRI or Ct. scan. Go to your chemo treatment or radiation. Don't be afraid to seek medical attention from a professional. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Seek God. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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