Monday, September 11, 2017


                                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Though waves and storms go o'er my head,
    Though strength and health and friends be gone,
  Though joys be withered all, and dead,
    Though every comfort be withdrawn,
  On this my steadfast soul relies,--
    Father! Thy mercy never dies.

Walking out of the shelter, I come face to face with a group of people walking in. They shuffle in single file, all tired and disheveled looking. Children included. That's what startled me the most . . . the children. We think of homelessness as that man at the crosswalks, carrying a sign. We don't associate homeless with children. 

If Emily and I come to a traffic light and there is a homeless person begging for money, we will give him/her a few dollars. We have been criticized for it, but we have a completely different outlook regarding it. We believe that we as Christians, are meant to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. What ever they do with that money is on them and not on us. We have done our part as followers of Christ. 

We know that others don't hold the same views on this topic as we do. That's okay. This is us. This is what we do. What all of you may do could be entirely different. All of us are held accountable to God for our actions. 

One of my great fears is that I will grow cold towards the needs of others. If I stop caring, then I have failed to be living in the image of God. It will be a very long time before I forget the two little girls I saw walking into that shelter. A long time. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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