Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Daniel's Prayer

                                                            Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Leave God to order all thy ways,
    And hope in Him, whate'er betide;
  Thou 'It find Him in the evil days
    Thy all-sufficient strength and guide;
  Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
  Builds on the rock that nought can move.

Over the years, I've heard quite a lot about Daniel's Prayer, especially during Fasting times. When I came across Anne Graham Lotz's study on Daniel's Prayer, I eagerly signed up, not really understanding what that would entail. It didn't matter, because I love to learn something new. And boy, did I learn.

This is so far, my second study with her and I have to admit that she can be demanding. These are not your usual 15 minute studies, but more like 40-45 minutes and a video teaching. In a busy everyday life, this does take a huge chunk of your time. Make sure you set aside undisturbed peace and quiet for this teaching. 

I've always wanted to have a special place designed for my time alone with the Lord. Anne has such a place along with a basket filled with all she needs. There's a Bible, a notebook, a pen and tissues in her basket next to her chair in her favorite spot. 

I wish I had such a spot, but as I look around my apartment, I can't find that perfect place. Maybe, it's not meant for now? Maybe, my concept of what I consider that perfect spot is right out of a movie, not reality? We have this image of serenity that usually represents a pond, a gorgeous tree or this spectacular scenery that only a few really have in their yard. We are normal people, aren't we?  Normal people with normal lives and yards. 

In all honesty, the people I know usually pray a lot in their closets, their cars or other "un-serene" places. I find myself praying quite a bit in my car. I have this tendency to continue sitting in the car after I park and just meditate. Once, I sat there late at night after coming home from work and a police car was making their rounds. They stopped directly behind my car and flooded me with the spotlight. I think they thought I was a punk doing the Lord knows what at this late hour. I was annoyed for being interrupted. 

I did learn to study verses in a more elevated way. She gave us a list of questions to ask ourselves as we look up verses. What is even more important here is that I found myself looking up the explanations of verses, especially the ones that were more difficult. It's pretty easy to misinterpret some of them. I would have never done that in the past. The point of a study is to grow in Christ. I hope you can join a Bible Study of your choosing and let the Word of God transform your life.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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