Friday, September 29, 2017

Oh, That Tiny Space

                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

There's many a time when the bitterest thing
Is said without reason, and God knows
The courage it takes to suffer the sting,
By hiding the wounds that the heart shows.

I look around my room with total dismay. There isn't an inch that isn't covered in boxes, yarn, plastic bags or mats. Just last month, the tower of homeless mats fell on top of me while I was sleeping. Keeping order and being clutter free will be my biggest challenge in tiny living. 

How do I change that? How do I even begin?

Well, I need to stop multi-tasking altogether. I need to work on one single thing at a time. If I truly want to live tiny, I need to keep the clutter down to a minimal. Something I really have a hard time avoiding. No matter how many times I clean up that mess and start over, it doesn't take long before it becomes clutter once again. 

When I worked at the corporate office of a well known store chain, their President believed in a clutter free desk. He had  one of the cleanest desks I've ever seen. He would literally have one sheet on his desk as he worked. Not a stack. A sheet in his hands, that's all. He believed that we could not give 100% to that task if we were being distracted by other things. He also had a dislike for post it notes. Somehow, I don't think he would have approved of my room.

Every weekend, I have taken upon myself to change my behavior or at least, the appearance of my room. No matter how busy I may be that weekend, I make time to tackle something in here. The mats are long gone by now. The yarn stash can be a two way street. It can be abundant by spilling over onto the carpet or one can see the bottom of the bin. Right now, we are somewhere in between.

I have a long way to go to be in the place like that President of the company, but I am on my path. I may not be where I want to be, but I'm not where I used to be. 

Have a Blessed day everyone.  

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