Friday, September 22, 2017

The Appointment.

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                            everyday is a journey.

He who plants a tree
Plants a hope.
Rootlets up through fibers blindly grope,
Leaves unfold unto horizons free.
So man's life must climb
From the clods of time
Unto heavens sublime.
Canst thou prophesy,
 thou little tree,
What the glory of the boughs shall be?

It's been so long since I've been there, that I almost forgot about the appointment. Thank goodness, I happened to look at the calendar for another reason. There it was staring up at me, 10 a.m. this Friday, Dr. K. 

I have been so blessed this year not to have any doctor appointments. Truly blessed. So I went, hoping to get home as soon as possible as I was still going in to work. No need to take a day off if I can go in the morning. 

The oncology visit went well, even better than expected. I love my Doctor K. and we have a very easy going relationship. We joke around, are never embarrassed around each other, or at least I'm not. 

It's always like being in a bar with you, not a doctor's office. 

For some reason, that really delighted me. It literally sent me into giggles. Now, I have said I love my Oncologist, but I feel differently when it comes to some parts of her clinic. Take the lab, for instance, horrible service! They will make you wait and wait and wait. The same goes for the scheduling receptionists. I think we waited a total of 11 minutes on hold while trying to schedule one appointment. What I'm trying to say here is that all of it takes quite a while. Time that I truly don't have. I have to get to work.

This time, all of that took even longer than usual. For the first time in these ten years, I walked out without getting my labs done. I was done waiting. Hospital and doctor personnel have no respect for our time. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone right now. That is not my intention. We are trying to live as normally as possible. We cannot afford to be taking off work to make these appointments. Time is very precious to us and we need to get to work. I don't have the privilege of walking in and out whenever I want. If my appointment is at 10 a.m., that's when I should be called into the room, not 10:30 a.m.

Okay, rant over. Everything else went well. I don't have to go back for a checkup nor a scan until January. How awesome is that? Praise God!

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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