Sunday, September 10, 2017

3 Sundays

                                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 So others shall
  Take patience, labor, to their heart and hand,
  From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer,
  And God's grace fructify through thee to all.
  The least flower with a brimming cup may stand,
  And share its dewdrop with another near.

They say, one must visit a Church three times before one can make an assumption about that Church. Each of those Sundays will be different and that is the entire point of the three Sunday visits. One can see all different aspects of a Church.

The same can be said of any situation in life. I, myself, have a tendency to overstay my welcome in any given situation. Talk about beating a dead horse. I never can quite let go just in case this might be the breakthrough. I have stayed in broken relationships far longer than what was good for me. That goes the same for my financial status or even any personal friendship. I stay on hoping that a breakthrough will happen, all my patience and labor will be worthwhile. 

Of course, many times that has not happened. I wish I followed the 3 Sunday concept when it came to all my life's decisions. What makes us hold on far longer than what it's worth? I mean, if we were visiting a Church, our minds would be made up on that first day whether we would stay or not. Why can't we do the same with our personal lives? 

HOPE. Hope keeps us moving forward believing things will change. Without hope, we have nothing. To me, God provides that hope. There are people out there who have no idea what hope looks like, feels like or even what it is in general. Imagine if we practiced the 3 Sunday rule on them? Many people out there would miss out on a God who both loves them and forgives them. I'm glad there were the seed planters that kept on way past the third Sunday and never gave up on me. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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