Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sometime In August

--Arthur C. Benson

August has certainly been a busy month around here. I finally finished those homeless mats and delivered them safely to their rightful home. It has been an experience! My right hand still hurts from using that big hook. I did miss crocheting with yarn and couldn't wait to get started. Did that stop me from continuing in making more homeless mats? Heck no! I'm almost done with one!

         My car filled to the top.

                                                         Piled high on the bed!

I really, really miss my niece Kathy when we lived only a few blocks from one another. I frequently visited her and her hot tub! I was fortunate to be able to do so once more this August. My great nephew turned 4 years old and his older sister went off to college. A perfect time for a party to celebrate both events.

                                                             Hot tub time!

I have written many times this Summer on my laid back attitude, almost laziness. I'm happy to report that my energy level has come back full force and I am ready to face one of the busiest time for my Ministry (Fall and Winter). During this idle time, there haven't been too many deliveries made. That has been rectified! We have made three in August alone!



So I have gone a little overboard with collecting and buying books. My bookshelf is overflowing onto the floor. I didn't show the stacks by the Television stand or by my shelf for all the ceramic carousels and music boxes. It's all good. Books, wine and yarn are all coming with me into my RV one way or another!


I've finally organized my pantry! Ever since I have been a little girl, I've always wanted a pantry full of supplies. It has taken me an entire weekend to get this pantry just the way we wanted it, but it was sooooo worth it. I'm ready for Winter in August!

                                                               A nice clean pantry.

That's just some of the things we have done this past month. After being so lazy all Summer, it feels so good to be this productive. Here's to another month of being industrious!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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