Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Family Tree

                                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Quiet, Lord, my froward heart,
  Make me teachable and mild,
  Upright, simple, free from art,
  Make me as a weaned child;
  From distrust and envy free,
  Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee.
Our family has not only expanded over the years in numbers, but has spread out across the United States. Getting together all under one roof is increasingly becoming more difficult. That wasn't always the case. 

When all the children were little, all of us lived no more than three blocks or so from one another. There wasn't a day that all of the grandkids weren't over, tripping over one another with all their shoes and book bags. The first six grew up together, eating and playing as siblings rather than cousins. 

Things are different now. They are grown and living out their own lives just the way they should. Getting together is fast becoming difficult as they grow older. There was a time when people stayed in the same house for years and years. That isn't true any longer. People are constantly moving due to career moves or personal living needs. 

Holidays, birthdays, weddings, you name it. Getting everyone together in one place is almost impossible. One sees some of them, but not all of them at one time. How does that happen? It's all part of growing up. They go out, get married and begin their own little family tree that grows and grows. It happens generation after generation. 

I've always wanted to have a family reunion of sorts once a year. One sees families do this by having a picnic or a weekend retreat. Wouldn't that be great? Everyone could get together for a few days a year. In reality, families usually don't all get along. There is always someone who isn't speaking to someone or has beef with that someone. Why is that? It always goes back to Adam and Eve. 

Do any of you have family reunions? If so, where and what kind? I would love to hear from you on this topic. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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