Thursday, July 7, 2016

Throwback Thursday


                                    Everyday is a brand new day, 

                                    everyday is a journey.

Here we are at another Throwback Thursday taking a look at the year 2013and providing an update on where we are now. 

I laugh to myself every time I re-read a post  concerning reducing the cancer list. I have spent these past nine years keeping my body as healthy as possible, following all the politically correct cancer "to do" list. I have given up so many things and I still get "helpful suggestions" from other people. But, this post isn't about my gripes! This blog exists to help others with the cancer process. Even I STILL learn from this journey. I do wish I posted where the article came from.


10 Ways

The article read:
10 Ways To Reduce Your Cancer Risk

   Over the years, I have been given many suggestions on how to prevent my cancer from coming back. People have bought me teas, made certain vegetable dishes, ordered special oils to anoint my body with and of course, vitamins. It all comes from the heart and I certainly appreciate the sentiment. I feel if people have gone so out of their way for me, the least I can do is try them.

  The article came from a health magazine. Of course, I couldn't help myself but read on. I really wanted to see if I'm following any of the 10 ways.
1. eat right, with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and whole grains, cut down on red meat.
2. maintain a healthy weight. Overweight and obesity have been linked to cancers of the breast, uterus, colon, and rectum.
3. stop smoking. Tobacco use accounts for lung, cervix, bladder, kidney, pancreas, esophagus, mouth and throat.
4. avoid secondhand smoke.
5. drink alcohol only in moderation. Have no more than one drink per day for women and two per men.
6. keep physically active. Engage in at least 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity on five or more days a week.
7. stay sun safe. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 year round even on cloudy days.
8. have cancer detention screenings and vaccines.
9. take care with X-rays and hazardous materials. Follow proper directions when handling chemicals, metals, dust and loose fibers.
10 . If you are a woman, decide carefully about HRT. Discuss risks versus benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with your doctor before using it.

  So, how did you do? I can honestly tell you, I'm 50/50. I eat healthy, hardly any meat, but I'm overweight. I don't smoke, hate to exercise, but walk a lot. I stay out of the sun and have screenings every three months in between re-occurrences. Oh, I do like to have a glass of red wine occasionally. I stay away from any medication unless I need to take them and that includes Tylenol, Advil etc.

  I think these 10 ways can describe any health issue. The point here is to eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. Go to the doctor if you have any symptoms or ailments. Nothing is just nothing. One thing I have learned is to listen to my body. If I'm tired, I take a nap. If your head hurts, do something about it.Take care of any issues,  no matter how small. You are not being a baby. Let's take care of our bodies and our hearts!
Have a Blessed Week everyone.

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