Saturday, July 9, 2016

Simply A Linen Closet

                                         Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

To keep young, every day read a poem, hear a choice piece of music, view a fine painting, and, if possible, do a good action. Man's highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances, and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them.

It has been quite a few months since I have continued on with my simplification project. My energy levels hit an all time low and all I wanted was to sleep. Cleaning out and de-cluttering the last thing on my mind. Not to mention all these doctor appointments. 

So this time around I wanted to tackle the linen closet. As you can see it isn't utilized properly and very disorganized. 

I believe one of the problems happens to be that we buy in bulk majority of our products. This is something that is very economical and I would love to continue in doing, so we have to make this work.

Just looking at it makes one want to close the door and walk away.
Which I have on numerous occasions. One of the first things I needed to do is to make a plan for each of the shelves. What exactly did I want each shelf to hold. As expected, I found some treasures, discarded quite a bit and donated what I didn't need. 

In all honesty, organizing this closet took me a lot longer than anyone can imagine. Months longer. I just didn't have any desire to dig in there.The most surprising factor being that I put everything back in the exact shelf as before. So basically, all I did was clean it out and stack it a little neater. 

What does this say about me? Well, I guess I'm a creature of habit!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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