Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Life Without A Car

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

what is rightly done stays with us, 
to support another right beyond,
or higher up;
whatever is wrongly done vanishes;
 and by the blank,
 betrays what we would have built above.
--John Ruskin

 I sat at my desk, eating my toast and drinking a cup of coffee watching the perpetual drizzle of rain. Off in the distance a roar of thunder could be heard with an occasional flash of lightening. Well, that's it for my plans for this morning. 

Not having a vehicle really puts a damper on things. One becomes a slave to the weather, to other people, to the schedule and happenings of other things. It's called dependency. Suddenly, I'm no longer free to do what I want, when I want it and for how long I want it.  

The more I stared at that rain, the bigger my situation appeared. Feeling overwhelmed by everything, a small cloud of fear enveloped me as I thought in dread of all the appointments I have coming up. And none of them within walking distance. 

When I drove, it didn't matter what the weather was like, I drove in every type. I wasn't dependent on anyone else's schedule. I arrived when I wanted to and I left when I felt like it. I was my own person and I always encouraged people to learn how to drive. I, myself, was a late starter (age 35) before I learned how, so I understood what fear was like. When the GPS came out, even the expressway became my friend. Independence is a great accomplishment and many of us don't understand the value of it until we lose it. 

As the morning went on, so did the rain and sunshine appeared. It looked almost as if nothing occurred here, but peace and serenity. I was able to do my errands minus a car . . . . amazing! 

I learned a minor lesson here. There are many people out there without any transportation and somehow, they make it. It requires a little more planning, a little more flexibility and some good friends, but I think I'll be okay until further notice. Life is difficult and a bit overwhelming, but that doesn't mean we should fold and give up. All the more reason to be chugging along. It may be slow and steady, but isn't that what won the race?

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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