Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Nephew

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                      everyday is a journey.

For many years, girls ruled this family. Joey, for instance, was the only boy for over seventeen years before another male was born into this family. I had nieces, but no nephews. 

Since then, it was almost like an avalanche of boys. We went from one (Joey) to Logan, Luke, Timothy, Justin, Ashton, Lachlan and Kai. I hope I didn't miss anybody.They range from 15 yrs. old to 2 1/2 and I'm sure we're not done!

One of these boys, my second nephew, is a miniature of his father (my younger brother) in every way. When he graces your presence, he cannot stop worming nor talking for a minute. He's vivacious, talkative, cannot keep still, ants in his pants Luke! You have to give this boy something to do.

While visiting my mom (his grandma) he came over during his Summer vacation to hang out. It was then that I figured we needed to put to good use his over active and energetic self by having him come grocery shopping with us. We could always use him to carry in the bags, which he did.  It was then that we had an interesting conversation. 

"So what are you going to do with the Durango?" he inquired.

"Well, I was planning on donating it to Willow Creeks Single Mom's Ministry," I replied .

"Why don't you just give it to me?" He's all of 13.

"What are you going to do with an old junky truck?" I asked him.

" I could work on it and practice." Did I mention he loves fixing things, especially cars?

"Okay, but it will cost you a whole dollar so you better start saving now." I said to him, shaking his hand. 

"I think I got that now, Lottie."

And that's what I did when the truck eventually broke down for the last time. I say the last time, because it wasn't worth it to me to keep putting money into it.  Even so, I think I suddenly became the best Aunt in the whole world. How do I know? Well, he kept repeating,"I can't believe it's happening."

Have a Blessed day everyone.   

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