Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Up The Creek With No Paddle

                                          Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Just to let thy Father do
    What He will;
  Just to know that He is true,
    And be still;
  Just to trust Him, this is all!
    Then the day will surely be
  Peaceful, whatsoe'er befall,
    Bright and blessed, calm and free.
  The above poem couldn't be more truer than these past couple of weeks and above all, today. It was a typical morning, nothing special. For a long time, I've been looking for a purpose feeling a little out of sorts with more time on my hands than I wanted. 
This morning, we've decided to go explore an idea for a new purpose in our lives. I cannot tell you more than that for now. It being right after a holiday, we figured it was a perfect opportunity for our secret adventure as many people returned to work. 
Well, we didn't get very far, maybe a full fifteen minutes into the ride. All of a sudden, I felt like I ran over something, even though I didn't really see anything on the road. I glanced into my side mirror and could see that my tire was looking a little low. And it kept getting lower. At that same time, the car next to me, pointed to my tire and then I knew I had a flat. 
If you know me personally, you know how much I dread breaking down. That is one of my biggest fears. You have no idea how lucky you married ladies are to have a husband that takes care of these things. 
So here we are, with a flat tire and I'm praying feverishly for a gas station to appear. And it did. I never knew that 7 Eleven had their own gas stations now. We're calling everyone and of course, my faithful nephew-in-law rescues us as always. 
To cut to the chase, the lugs on my tire are so twisted and rusted, he could barely remove them. A patron of the gas station even stopped to help out since he has a similar problem with his lugs, too. So what is the solution? Well, we'll have to tow it to the tire shoppe. Then they'll have to break that lug and install new ones. Then either they'll fix the tire or we'll purchase another one. 
All I saw was a mountain of cost. The tow truck, a new tire and labor. Plus, my tires are huge. Not a cheap tire. Just last week, my hose burst and all my antifreeze came pouring out like a dam that broke loose. Another cost. Is it worth it to keep fixing this 1998 Dodge Durango? I'm not so sure anymore. Besides, The rent is due and so are the bills. Even though we have some money saved up, it's not enough to cover everything. What is more important at this time? A car or everything else? I think we have the answer.
I must have had the look of the whole world's weight upon me, because suddenly, Emily looks me straight in the eye. 
"You have that look, mom."
"Well, tomorrow I have to go by my mom. Thursday is the dentist. Friday is Kathy's. Saturday is the Crocheting Ministry Meeting and Sunday is refreshments at Church."
"Stop worrying about Thursday and worry about today, mom."
And she's right. What's done is done. We are truly blessed that Tom came by to rescue us. We are blessed that suddenly he came up with an idea to at least get us home. He had a compressor with him so he pulled out the big razor, yes razor out of the tire, filled it up with air. We hopped in the car, with him driving behind us in case the tire went flat again. You could hear the air hissing out of that tire. We sped home in traffic as fast as we could with Tom and his compressor right behind us. If the air goes out, we pull over, fill it up again and go! That was the plan and that's what we did. 
We're home now and the tire is flat, but at least, parked in my parking spot for now.  I have no idea how we're going to fill the schedule for the week, but I know that God is good, all the time. We had our adventure. I have a purpose. God Bless Tom for rescuing us, the man in the car next to me for pointing out the flat, and the patron at the gas station for all their help. 
Have a Blessed day everyone.


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