Monday, April 29, 2013

Turning The Pages

It all started on a trip to Milwaukee , Wisconsin . A conversation warmed the inside of the vehicle as rain splatterered against the windshield . Two women sat inside , sipping Dunkin Donut's coffee bought with coupons .

The conversation centered on a 13 year old 's upcoming graduation and her party . To the two women , she was daughter and a great niece . Each of them remarking on their high hopes for  the  girl's immergence into the high school years .

What do you give to this innocent young lady as a gift ? A gift that will encourage , enlighten and strengthen her character . A gift that will develop her Faith .

As the days turned into weeks since that trip , my mind  focused on an idea . An idea for a One Thousand Gifts Notebook for everyday of her Freshman year . What could be more fitting for the complicated life of a teenager than the encouraging and thoughtful words of Ann Voskamp .

As I started on this handmade notebook filled with love , I imagined her turning the pages anxiously awaiting the next day . In reality , she will probably lose interest after awhile . No matter what she does with it now , I know that one day she'll pick it up again and think back to this moment .

As an older version of herself , she'll turn the pages filling in her gifts , her thoughts , her dersires .
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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