Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Getting Results

Every week , an organization called  " Phil's Friend's " sends me a Get Well card with an encouraging note or testimonial inside . This week , it was a letter from someone who was about to get test results regarding her cancer . As I read it , it dawned on me how very much alike we all were when it came to an illness .

Did my cancer get better ?
Was it worse ?
Was I completely healed by a miracle ?
What would be the next step or course of action ?
Would this next bit of news change my life forever ?

Immediately , Linda comes to mind . Just a few days ago , Linda came up to me asking for prayers since some tests were due and she was afraid of the results . I instantly wondered if Linda was asking herself those very same questions . I'm almost sure she did .

We all seem to feel the same emotions , think the same thoughts , have the same doubts and fears . We all want the test results to say the same thing . We all hope for the illness to be kept at bay or gone forever .

I can write something witty and intelligent , offering some wisdom on how to deal or overcome these feelings , but that would be a lie . I can guarantee that I will ask those same questions when my tests are due . I can promise you , I will spend a sleepless night worrying about something I cannot control . My temper will flare inflicting pain unto others without meaning .

It seems that no matter what type of illness we have ( heart disease , stroke , cancer ) we share the same emotions and fears . We experience the same pain and relief . We are united in surviving . There are no right answers . There is only relief in knowing that we are not alone in being scared . We have to lay all our fears at His feet and learn to have faith that He will deliver on His promise .
We will be healed , either here on earth or in heaven . We need to believe that ! Have a Blessed day everyone .

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