Sunday, April 7, 2013


There is yarn laying in a heap upon the living room rug next to my favorite arm chair . A remnant of what looks like a blanket tucked away in the corner of it with a crocheting hook on top . The mail littered the cocktail table , mostly ads . On the book shelf , an unfinished cup of coffee . In the kitchen sink , some dishes waiting to be washed  . A laundry pile in the corner of a bedroom piled high .

These are some of the messes one will find in my home . No matter how much I try to keep the place looking untouched as if in a magazine ,  I never quite achieve it . I gloss over the pages of newly
organized rooms pictured to such perfection and I dream .  I love organization , but I'll never get there . I dream of it , but know deep down inside , I will never achieve it .

Whenever I'd voice my thoughts on the subject , Emily would always reply . . .

But , mom , we're living not sitting . We're living life .

She is right ! We are living , breathing the very life God bestowed on us . We are imperfect , unorganized , messy people . We are not secluded inside a square boxed room staring at the four walls . We go out and mingle with the world . We cry , laugh , we live .

When the world treats us badly : when our bodies fail us : when loved ones disappoint us . . . . . we have to live . There is no life on that glossy ,  perfect sheet in a magazine staring up at us . Yes , I'm always striving for that perfection that only God has achieved .

What would happen if I finally got there ? What would happen if every part of my life would sit neatly in a row . . . undisturbed ? Would I read a book or be afraid of messing up that row ? Would I lounge comfortably on my couch or sit pretty with my hands folded ? Would my kitchen be filled with the delicious aromas of a home cooked meal or would I want a shiny empty sink instead ?

Yes , a neat . . . organized . . . .life . No surprises . No unexpected turns . Or bends . As tempting as that may be , it's not living . It's not experiencing what life has to offer . I want to live out my life in every way . I want to experience . I want to live . How about you ?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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