Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Miss Sunshine

Have I ever written about the parking booth lady at U.I.C. ? There are times , when I have no paper to write anything down , but a story forms in my mind . So I'm not exactly sure if I wrote about this or not . Oh well , here goes . . . .

I use the U.I.C. parking lot whenever I'm there . On my way out , I somehow always seem to get this one elderly lady parking booth attendant . I call her Miss Sunshine  , but she is anything but that .
Life must have been rough for this woman if her sourpuss expression was anything to go by .

In the beginning , I would try to avoid her as much as possible . At times , that wasn't a choice I could make . Pulling up to her booth , I'd take a deep breath and steel myself for another unpleasant encounter with the unpleasant woman . No matter how nicely I asked about her day nor wished her a pleasant week , the only response I would receive would be a mumbled under her breath grunt .

After awhile , it became a challenge I wanted to overcome . I was determined to shower this woman with kindness . To give her the best welcoming smile of her life ! I would get a smile back , no matter how long it would take ! I would break through that icicle of a heart . Once , I came very close to seeing the corners of her unhappy face almost  and I mean almost , turn slightly upward as if she was fighting an internal battle with love .

The other day , I pulled up to her booth , not really recognizing it was her . I was tired and wanted to get home as soon as possible . To my surprise , Miss Sunshine , greeted me with a beautiful smile  wishing me a good weekend .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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