Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cancer Wellness Doctrine

Cleaning out some papers , I came across an old poem that came from my old Oncologist's website . I thought I'd share it with all of you .

my health is my responsibility
but I did not cause my disease
I will always have hope
what I hope for
may change over time
my doctor and I are partners
we both have things to learn
death is not failure
personal dignity and
quality of life
are my measures of success
cancer provides me with an opportunity
I don't have to feel grateful for it
I am willing to change
the way I feel with stress
the past is only important
if I make it so
cancer is a family illness
we all need attention and support
I have the power to make a difference
in my care
I need to look inside
for the proper direction

One of my sister-in-laws gave me a necklace with a similiar one . Six years have passed since then and suddenly , all the words seem so very true .
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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