Monday, April 1, 2013

Aubrey's Shower

I've been thinking quite alot about my Aubrey  . Sometimes , a person stays on your mind because you love them so much . It's been two years since she has become my daughter-in-law and I couldn't have chosen a better woman for my son myself . I came across this poem I wrote after a party , Emily and I gave in her honor . Here's to you , my love . . . .

Once upon a time, a young man named Joe got down on one knee and proposed

"Will you marry me,Aubrey?"

"Yes sirree,Joey!"

with a whoop and a holler

the mother-in-law declared

"It's time for a Wedding Shower!"

friends were called and family,too

the table was set with care

Emily,with her own two hands unwrapped the Costco wares

with the help of her sidekick Destiny

Tom took a look and sighed

"There's just too much estrogen around'!

he picked up his keys and left

"Call me when it's all said and done"

the neighbors all heard the laughter and cheers

wondering hey....

what's going on down there?!

haven't you heard?

Aubrey's here

when the sun set and the stars came out

and everyone was tucked away in bed

the mother-in-law snored away

dreaming of the great time they all had...

Have a Blessed day everyone !

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