Friday, April 19, 2013

I've Got A Feeling -Take 1

I'm sure all of you have noticed that I've taken this week off from writing . Instead , I've been posting some stories I wrote from awhile ago , but never posted . So .........without further ado , here's another one .

Hello Everyone!!
Lately , I haven't been feeling like writing . It seemed like a cloud was over me . My mind would become a total blank . Sometimes life is just too much , coming at you from all sides . There's only one thing to do . Call in a prayer request from my girls and pack it up AND GO ON A TRIP !!!!

This trip started out with two goals in mind , but I added in a third one unconsciously . I didn't even know there was a third until the trip was over .

The week before the trip , I was ready to jump off a cliff . Did you ever feel like getting in your car and driving to nowhere ? With no particular destination ----- just drive and blast the music . Thats how I have been feeling for quite sometime now .

This trip was planned for months .You see my son is getting married and we were getting together to plan the wedding . The other goal was to drive to Springfield for the first time on the expressway . I'll tell you a secret.....I have been afraid , too afraid , to drive on the expressway . My fears have always kept me back from doing things . I didn't learn to drive until I was 35 years old !!!!

I thought it was time . Henry gave me a GPS and I asked my mom to go with me and we were off . At first , I didn't know how to quite read the GPS and kept making all the wrong turns . Almost gave up . I stopped , reset the darn thing and headed out again .This time , I didn't make any wrong turns all the way . I was so proud of myself . Overcame a fear . Silly isn't it?

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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