Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dear God

What is my influence ? Everything and everyone . I love to read or hear what others are working on . I'm always on the look out for self-improvement ideas .

Recently , my Pastor posted a letter he had written to God ten years ago regarding his personal life . I thought to myself what an intimate act to share with God , very touching and beautiful . I kept thinking about that letter as the days went by . Usually , when that happens I know it is something I need to do myself .

As I sat down to write my very own letter to God , I thought of all the many things that have happened in the last few years . Tears came flowing down my cheeks . I have been so very fortunate . As hard as this may be for anyone to understand since I have cancer , I am truly Blessed . No matter how difficult it may have been , I have not succumbed to depression . I have seen so many that have  and I 'm grateful to the Almighty for helping me get through this time .

So what did I write ? I wrote for my children . I wrote my hopes , my dreams for them . I offered them up to Him so He can guide them and mold them into His followers . There is no one else that can take care of them better .

What more can I ask for ? I have been given so much . Who am I to ask for more ? He has provided for me , cared for me and waited for me all these years . He sent His Son to die for me . Dear God , thank you for living inside of me .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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