Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cancer Blessings

Whenever people learn of my three time cancer status , I get alot of sympathy and disbelief . I guess , people are surprised at my calmness regarding my illness . Another reason , they consider my illness a major depressing setback .

I think otherwise . To me , cancer has only brought Blessings in my life . I know people find that strange , but it's true . Here are some Blessings in my life since my cancer .

1. This one may be difficult to believe , but I'm happy that the steroids made me gain some weight . I actually like myself with these curves . I would like to lose my stomache  , but the rest can stay . Before all of this , I was a size 4 . Whenever I look at some old pictures of myself , I realize that I looked too skinny . At least now , I look healthy .
2. I also found out who I am both on the inside as well as on the outside . I'm very comfortable in this old skin of mine . My relationships are healthy and strong . I'm also mentally stronger to handle any difficulties that may arise .
3 . Cancer has allowed me to face my own mortality . I had to accept death and learn not to be afraid of it . Instead of looking at it as an end , it's just a beginning of something to look forward to .
4. I've also learned not to get angry . I still fail sometimes , but mainly , nothing is that important that I need to waste my energy on being upset . I can't control other people or their actions . I try to better myself  and my actions .
5 . Lastly , I've learned to live my life .

Ask anyone who has dealt with an illness and they will tell you , it has changed their life for the better . Too bad , it had to take a  tradegy for us to remember that .
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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